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Meyer Tool Ships Cryogenic Distribution Box to FNAL
July 30, 2019
On June 19, 2019, Meyer Tool & Manufacturing completed fabrication and shipped a cryogenic distribution box to Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory. The box will be used for the Muon-to-Electron conversion (Mu2e) experiment. The box includes twenty-seven cryogenic valves, over 100 piping spools, two heat exchangers, a thermal shield, and an internal nitrogen separator vessel, all contained within a 1.8 meter (72 inch) diameter ASME coded vacuum vessel.
Construction of the box required both standard fabrication techniques used in cold box construction, application of ASME Pressure Vessel Code rules, and specialized techniques suited for the unique spacing requirements of this application. In order to meet the unique challenges of this distribution box, Meyer Tool developed custom modular heat transfer straps, utilized 3-D modelling techniques to address both internal and external spacing limitations and the technical requirements, employed knowledge of the ASME code to meet the pressure vessel code requirements while accommodating the construction requirements of a complex cryogenic distribution box; balancing these conflicting requirements to meet the requirements of Fermilab's technical specifications.