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Meyer Tool Produces Distribution Boxes for LBNL/CERN's Large Hadron Collider
Cold Facts, Summer 2003, Vol. 19, No. 3
Meyer Tool & Mfg., Inc., the premier provider of custom and OEM products in the interrelated disciplines of cryogenics, pressure and vacuum technology, is pleased to announce the receipt of an award from Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL) and the Department of Energy for eight cryogenic distribution boxes to be installed in the Large Hadron Collider at CERN in Geneva, Switzerland. These distribution boxes connect the superconducting magnets built by Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory and Brookhaven National Laboratory to the LHC cryogenics, high current DC power and instrumentation systems. LBNL is responsible for the design of the distribution boxes. Meyer Tool will be responsible for the manufacture and testing of the distribution boxes. The period of contract execution will be through mid-2005.
Meyer Tool has manufactured a variety of key cryogenic, pressure and/or vacuum technology-related equipment for major basic science programs for over 35 years. A partial listing of programs includes: CEBAF, Fermilab, SSCL, APS at ANL, Cornell CHESS, Canadian Light Source, SSRC in Taiwan, the National Ignition Facility at LLNL and the Spallation Neutron Source. |