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Cryogenic Blast From the Past - 500 MHz Superconducting RF Cavity Cryostat
August 28, 2019
Meyer Tool has been building versions of this 500 MHz Superconducting Radio Frequency Cavity Cryostat since the 1990’s. Starting with the original units for the Cornell CESR accelerator, Meyer Tool has been involved in the design and manufacture of these cryostats for light sources in the USA, Canada, and Taiwan.
The Brookhaven National Synchrotron Light Source II (NSLS-II) presently has three of these Meyer Tool CESB-B type single cell cavity Cryostats, two installed in the storage ring, the third a spare. The superconducting cavities were provided by AES, Inc. of New York. These Cryostats were upgraded from previous designs to meet ASME Section VIII pressure vessel design rules. The inner Liquid Helium vessel is ASME U-stamped.